
Localization of campaigns, games & products into multiple languages requires everything coming together simultaneously & usually on a tight schedule. Translation, casting, directing, recording and production: This is what we love. We help clients meet their deadlines inside budget whilst providing consistent high quality professional results. Below are some examples of projects we helped clients bring to the global market.

Otolift | 12 films were adapted into English, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, French & German. We also made the music.

The Rusty Parrot Experience | We recorded mutiple characters in multiple languages for this experience on the island of St. Marten.

Foodora | Localization into several languages

Nike Run Club | For Nike’s running app we recorded a series of coached runs in 8 languauges.

AEG SaphirMatt | Dutch, Flemish & French localization.

Skylanders | Dutch game localization.